Osteoporosis Center of Oklahoma
The Osteoporosis Center of Oklahoma at Deaconess Hospital is one of the most comprehensive programs in Oklahoma for the treatment and prevention of osteoporosis.
The Center offers a complete program of services including:
- osteoporosis screenings
- nutrition and exercise information
- hormonal evaluations
A qualified team of medical professionals including a board-certified internal medicine physician and a registered nurse is available to help you manage and prevent osteoporosis.
Our osteoporosis screenings are done through bone densitometry using an advanced technology called DEXA (Dual Energy X-Ray Absorptiometry). This non-invasive procedure safely, accurately and painlessly measures bone density and the mineral content of bone. During a bone evaluation, the patient lays comfortably still on a padded table while the DEXA unit scans two or more areas of the body. The entire scan takes only minutes and is performed by a registered nurse.
Call to schedule an appointment or for more information.
For specific information about osteoporosis and densitometry, visit these sites:
National Osteoporosis Foundation
International Society for Clinical Densitometry (ISCD)