Laurus Health
Turning Point

Patient Bill of Rights

You, the patient, can expect certain rights and privileges during your stay at Deaconess Hospital. Below, please find the most current patient bill of rights at Deaconess:

1)  Patient has the right to reasonable access to quality care regardless of race, creed, color, sex, age, religion, national origin or ability to pay.

2)  Patient has the right to care that is considerate and respectful of his or her personal values, beliefs and spiritual and cultural needs.

3)  Patient/family in collaboration with a physician, have he right to be involved in all aspects of the patient’s care.

4)  Patient has the right to appropriate assessment and management of pain.

5)  Patient has the right to information about treatments and to participate in decisions regarding his or her care in collaboration with the physician and may accept or reject medical care to the extent permitted by law.

6)  Patient has the right to participate in ethical questions that arise in the course of his or her care including issues of conflict resolution, withholding resuscitative services, forgoing or withdrawal of life-sustaining treatment, advance directive, care at end of life, and participation in investigational studies or clinical trials.

7)  Patient has the right to security, personal privacy and confidentiality of information.

8)  Patients asked to participate in a research project are given a description of the expected benefits, potential discomforts and risks, alternative services that might also prove advantageous, full explanation of procedures, right to refusal, and that their refusal will not compromise their access to service.

9)  Patient has the right to be informed of hospital rules, regulations and grievance procedures in a manner appropriate to the patient’s particular communication needs.

10)  Patient has the right to pastoral care and other spiritual services.

11)  Patient has the right to explanation of any restriction on communication, which may be instituted for therapeutic reasons.

12)  Patient has the right, upon request, regardless of reimbursement mechanisms, to be informed of customary charges, in advance, for the type of hospital stay anticipated.

13)  Patient has the right to an itemized statement of charges after submitting a written request from the patient, survivor or legal representative.

14)  Patient has the right to be free from physical or chemical restraint and /or seclusion unless it is required to prevent injury to the patient or others or prevent serious disruption in the therapeutic environment.

15)  Patient has the right to be informed on request of any relationship between Deaconess Hospital and other health care facilities or providers.

16)  Patient has the right to transfer to another facility when Deaconess Hospital cannot meet treatment needs or at the patient’s request.

For questions or concerns call the administrative offices at , Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. – 5 p.m. After hours, call the operator to page the administrative liaison on duty.