Laurus Health
Turning Point

Personal Belongings


Money, credit cards, jewelry and valued personal items should not be brought to the hospital. The hospital cannot accept responsibility for times kept in your room. If a few valuables must be brought, they may be kept in a safe by having the nurse contact Security.


Please leave all current medications at home unless otherwise requested by your physician. We ask that you provide a list of all medications you are currently taking. Our Pharmacy will provide any medications you require during your hospital stay.

Electrical appliances

All patient-owned, electrical appliances must be checked for electrical safety. These include radios, hair rollers, blow dryers, electric shavers and televisions. Please contact your nurse about this safety check. Battery operated appliances are welcomed and do not require approval for their use. Electric blankets, space heaters and electric heating pads are prohibited for your safety.

We ask that you limit the use of cellular phones and pagers inside the hospital.