Laurus Health
Turning Point

Special Services

The chapel is located on the first floor of the hospital near the main entrance and is open for prayer and meditation at all times.


The Giftique is operated as a convenience to our patients and visitors by the Deaconess Volunteer Auxiliary. Customers may shop for gifts, snacks, greeting cards, toiletries and magazines without leaving the hospital. Stamps may also be purchased at the Giftique which is open Monday through Friday, from 9 am. to 8:30 p.m. and Saturday from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Mail and Flowers

Any mail, flowers or packages addressed to you will be delivered to your room. Mail received after you have been discharged will be forwarded to your home address. There are restrictions on flowers brought into the critical care and mental health units.


The Daily Oklahoman, USA Today, Dallas Times and Wall Street Journal may be purchased from the newsstands located on the first floor near the public elevators.

Notary Public

Notary public services are available to patients by contacting security at extension 6101.

Telecommunication devices for the deaf

People who are deaf or hearing impaired can communicate directly with the hospital through telecommunications devices for the deaf (TDD telephones). TDD units are located at the switchboard and in the Emergency Department to facilitate outside calls and communication between a patient’s home and the hospital. Deaf people needing assistance or emergency help can contact the hospital at 946-61HI (hearing impaired).

While at Deaconess, deaf patients may request a TDD unit at no additional charge. Each unit is equipped with a light to indicate a call for the patient. Patients who are hearing impaired may request a control which will allow the sound volume of the room telephone to be adjusted.